Six days… how is it possible that we managed to build a community from strangers while simultaneously learning skills and gaining understandings that would enable us to provide for our basic needs in the wilderness?
From friction fire and water purification, to wild edible/medicinal plants and tracking. This is only the tip of the ice burg! The past week was so rich in knowledge, practical experience and sharing in community. We came away from the time feeling empowered to practice and use a variety of primitive skills that have served cultures around the world for thousands of years. All our senses were coaxed out of hiding as we were invited to see, feel, hear, taste, and sense the world around us in a new way. There is an excitement to go back to our homes and to practice these skills and routines to deepen our connection with the natural world for the well being of ourselves, communities and the entirety of the natural world.
Woven through the week was an understanding that we all make tracks on this earth regardless of how lightly we tread. The question that remained was will we leave tracks of degradation or regeneration? Quite simply put, “Our tracks echo our intention into the future.” After this week I feel even more inspired to leave tracks of regeneration.
From friction fire and water purification, to wild edible/medicinal plants and tracking. This is only the tip of the ice burg! The past week was so rich in knowledge, practical experience and sharing in community. We came away from the time feeling empowered to practice and use a variety of primitive skills that have served cultures around the world for thousands of years. All our senses were coaxed out of hiding as we were invited to see, feel, hear, taste, and sense the world around us in a new way. There is an excitement to go back to our homes and to practice these skills and routines to deepen our connection with the natural world for the well being of ourselves, communities and the entirety of the natural world.
Woven through the week was an understanding that we all make tracks on this earth regardless of how lightly we tread. The question that remained was will we leave tracks of degradation or regeneration? Quite simply put, “Our tracks echo our intention into the future.” After this week I feel even more inspired to leave tracks of regeneration.
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