Monday, May 12, 2008

Bending Stix - Throwing Stones

Please contact me if you are interested in the above mentioed
Bending Stix - Throwing Stones,
Only a limited # of students in this workshop.
To the rest of you
I am really looking forward to spending some serious time with many of you this summer, training in the ways of the wild.
The Wolf Den Hostel, outside Algonquins West Gate, has been a great spot to kick off this year with Empowering Ancient Ways.
Please find more Photos and comments about the course on the Earth Mentorship Webpage.

Sticks and Stones Wilderness School is currently creating a website and will be utilizing this blogspot until the launch date.
Keep in touch and hope to be working skills with you soon.
Keep on....
Skeet Sutherland
Sticks and Stones Wilderness School

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